Discovering God was imagined during a seminary project, and research of spiritual formation in youth. It did not take long to learn that there were not many resources for youth and young adults to learn about different ways to pray, or ideas to help people talk and listen to God. The idea of an easy access content seemed to be a no-brainer when there are lots of creative people who have lots of experience connecting to God. Another thing that came out of the project was that people are heavily influenced by their closest relationships like friends, family, and mentors. Finally, Gabe discovered that many churched AND un-churched people have questions about God and/or are interested in spiritual life.
The website was started by Gabe Dodd, who had the help of other pastors, seminary students, seminary professors, and Church of the Brethren and Mennonite Church USA staff and support persons. Content on this website is not all original, but is provided by fellow disciples of Jesus, who also want to help people grow a bonding relationship with God.
Dear Fellow Traveler,
Greetings! You may be finding your way to this website through your own curiosity about yourself, God, and/or how you relate to one another. Discovering God exists to bring bring people to an awareness of God’s action. Awareness of God in ones life brings spiritual growth for the purpose of knowing God.
This website provides and connects people to resources to discover Gods actions in their life in the following ways: explore questions they may have about God; journey with others; and learn spiritual practices (like rest).
Feel free to look around the site to find the resources that are most helpful for you. If you do find this website helpful, we encourage you to let others know about this website. If you have a topic, question, practice, or resource that you want to know more about, let us know, and we will do what we can to share it on the website.
Blessings in your discovery!
Gabriel Dodd
Founder of Discovering God
About Gabe Dodd
Gabe Dodd is the Pastor at Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, in Hagerstown, MD. He is a husband, and a father. Gabe is very interested in helping young people develop strong christ-bearing relationships, and forming spiritual connections to God. His undergrad work is in Recording Industry Management at MTSU, and his MDiV focused on pastoral ministry and spiritual formation at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. Gabe is currently studying at Fuller Theological Seminary for a Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Formation. In his spare time, Gabe likes to grill and travel.