Does anyone care about me?
Sometimes life can feel tough when others want you to “be” someone that isn’t who you naturally are. When it seems like nobody cares about you, one very important thing to remember is that God loves you for who you are. Not for who you could be, or for who you were. God loves you for being you. God wants you, with all your imperfections and screw-ups because God is so great, that God can even use you to do Gods work on earth.
Are other peoples expectations changing who God wants you to be?
Where do you notice God in this situation?
There are MANY stories in the bible about God caring for imperfect people, and using imperfect people for Gods work on earth. One of these stories is found in the New Testament in Acts 9. Check out how someone who was persecuting Jesus followers was met by God in a very unexpected way. He was transformed into a very important leader of the early church movement.
“God Loves You” Reminder Rock: A simple prayer activity you can do alone or with a partner that will remind you over and over again of the simple but amazing truth that God really does love you.