Paper Folding Prayer Activity

Paper Folding Prayer Activity

by Laura Lehman

What for?

Focus; casting aside our worries; releasing our prayers to God.

What will you need?

How do you do it?

  1. Write a list of things you want God to hold for you on your sheet of origami paper.
  2. As you fold the paper per instructions) into a box imagine God taking those things from you and holding them.  If you remember other things after the box is finished visualize putting those things into the box and allowing God to hold them for you.

More information:

This is one of many body prayers.  God created us with bodies for a reason, and yet we very rarely use them in prayer or praise. Explore how you can pray with more than your brain and your mouth.

Using our bodies in prayer can be about small, precise movements, like creating a box using origami. Boxes, like prayers, can hold thoughts, prayers and worries for us while we engage in other things.

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